INFO 募集開始!ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて✨【歌い手フェスvol.3】


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ライブ #807591768 / Welcome Viewers! 
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ライブ #807591091 / Welcome Viewers! 
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ライブ #807589437 / Welcome Viewers! 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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SM0 - SOLID MOTORS LLC - met with Hamza and said both Abdul and Sam order said thanks for their calls and orders came by to drop off calendars  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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MZAP - MZ AUTO PLEX (c) - met with Carlos/Mir and thanked him for his calls and orders came by to drop off calendars  
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ALL12 - ALLSTATE.CAM AUTO SALES, LLC - are in the same location met with Carlos and thanked him for his calls and orders came by to drop off calendars 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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LAS3 - La Silla Auto Sales - met with Jose and said that they all order from us we have better prices but also buys from 1800 and O’Reilly thanked him for his calls and orders came by to drop off calendars 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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CITY2 - CITYWIDE MOTORS (C) - met with Ram(front desk) and said that Carlos(mechanic) is the one who orders came by to drop off calendars 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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DALM - DALLAS MOTORS - met with Sarah (front desk) and said that Q is the one who orders now and that everyone is on vacation and is the reason why no calls or orders at the moment came by to drop off calendars  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  

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