
Oh!Sharels Doo Wop Live Streaming

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至7/17/2021 (Sat) 23:59 JST)

2021 7/10

This is the live streaming of Japanese Doo Wop group Oh!Sharels from GINZ in Tokyo.

-Timeline (JST)-
1st Stage: 17:45
Special Talk Time 18:35-18:45
2nd Stage: 18:55
(The time may vary depending on the situation.)

You can choose one of the amounts for the tickets.
The archive period is one week. (From 10th to 17th July in Japan time.)
You can purchase the tickets in the meantime as well.

TwitCasting Support

If you have inquiries about the event, please mail here.


Oh!Sharels Doo Wop Live Streaming 1,000 日圓含稅
Oh!Sharels Doo Wop Live Streaming 2 1,500 日圓含稅
2021 7/10  Oh! Sharels
Oh!Sharels Doo Wop Live Streaming 3 2,000 日圓含稅
2021 7/10  Oh! Sharels

※ 無論購買何種票券,皆可觀看相同的 星級直播

※ 票券只有一種可供購買
