INFO 🍨アイスや時計🎁ホワイトデー 愛すキャンペーン🍨【3/15まで】 EVENT 本日 22:00時〜▶🎬シンクロナイズドモンスター 放送

新着アーカイブ 13472

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ラジオ #805500888 / Welcome Viewers! 
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ラジオ #805500864 / Welcome Viewers! 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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AVE - AVERY'S PAINT & BODY - business is no longer there has came by to meet with John, George and Darrell  
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Borrego Frame & Body Shop - met with Salvador came by to drop off notepads and cards 1800 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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BETHD - BETOS ROAD SERVICE - met with Pancho and he asked about Carlos came by to drop off notepads and cards 
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BE - B&E AUTOMOTIVE - met with Beto and came by to drop off notepads and cards 1800 
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Padilla’s Garage ***need to open account*** - met with Jose and Nei and said that they just moved recently a month or two ago came by to drop off notepads and cards 1800 
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AZ 5778 - AUTOZONE 5778 - met with Hugo(commercial manager) and Johnathan 972-557-1785 commercial came by to drop off notepads and cards 1800 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! Heading to work & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! Heading to work & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! Heading home 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! Heading home 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! Heading back to office from being out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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Work drive time! Heading back to office from being out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 
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RICO - AUTO REPAIR CENTER - met with Jaime and said that Luis is the one who orders came by to drop off notepads and cards Also had a1948 Buick Black Four Door that he’ll sell for 5k no drive train was going to put it on top of a Chevrolet Avalanche 
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Work drive time! While out on the field & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉